
Wedding Photographer?

Photography is not a profession. Anyone can call themselves a professional
photographer. There are no licenses and not even a college degree required.

--Ken Rockwell

According to Ken, you have better to keep your real job and do photography on your own time. The pay is not well for most of the photographers. Just like in the actor business, somebody gets big bucks, but such great things may not always happen to you!!

Ususally people think that a photographer is someone who is carrying a big, black camera with long lenses, an external flash and a large bag/backpack. That's not always true. People may have the money to buy those fancy equipments but it does not mean they are good at taking pictures. Some people collect camera equipments just like people collecting race cars, and it's much cheaper. (Read the seven levels of photographers by Ken, again.)

Therefore, I want to shout out loud!
"I am not a pro. I am not even qualified as a 'photog'!" *
I am CameraMan.

* Photog = photographer
vocabulary I learned from the wedding photographer forum.

I started to learn how to use a camera in stead of taking snapshots since winter 2002. And I got my first assignment as a backup wedding photog in summer 2005. I did not take any class of photography, journalism or art. I am not kidding or pretending to be humble. The first couple I shot did not ask me in the beginning. The one they asked called me to do it together. And of course, we did it for free and it was fun indeed...

If you want to know, I did collect my works here. There are only 4 in my portfolio. And I just recently realized the difference between a pro and an amateur: consistency!! I can not deliver a decent picture constantly. Sometimes when I am lucky, I get nice shots. But I can not handle it to keep similar quality there if something goes wrong.

Let's get back to the business. I am having a hard time to get our wedding shots. I check the price for wedding photog. They are either too expensive for me to afford, or they are too shaky that I would rather kill myself to pay for it.

Anyway, I dear dear friend has left for Chicago and he is not promising to come back for my wedding.

I am still having an opening slot for a "decent photog."


--Ken Rockwell

Ken Rockwell 說,如果你想把攝影當作職業,你最好還是待在原來的工作上,然後在閒暇的時候去玩攝影。因為當攝影師的薪水低於我們所想像。就像是演藝事業一樣,總是有人拿令人垂涎的薪水,但是那種幸運的事永遠不會發生在大多數的人身上,而攝影這個行業只有比演藝事業更糟。

通常人們誤以為攝影師是那種背個黑色大相機,帶著長鏡頭、外閃和一個大大的攝影背包的傢伙。但是,通常這是不正確的。總是有人可以花大錢買那些閃亮的攝影器材,但是有最好的器材和會不會拍照本身沒有直接的關係。有些人有閒錢去收集攝影器材,就像有人喜歡收集跑車一樣。而收集跑車的人往往不是賽車手。況且,收集攝影器材相對來說便宜得多。(參考Ken Rockwell 的 攝影師的七個層次 )

我只是一個 CameraMan.





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check out what a REAL wedding photog can do:

wedding photog forum
  • fredmiranda
    (You need to register to see. But it's worthy the inconvenience...)

2 則留言:

  1. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  2. 真是感動,終於有人回應這一篇了……我正在試著找一個2nd shooter,我了解一個人拍真的壓力太大了。
    而且到時候我們可以安排winter training,讓大哥你有熱身的機會。是要從練拍40張開始嗎?還是先從跑位、構圖、測光開始?小心你的hamstring啊!
