
Sour-Spicy Soup Recipe


  • 0.3lb Pork (shoulder or butts)

  • 1 Carrot

  • 1 box soft or regular(Medium Firm) Tofu

  • ~10 Auricularia auricula (Judas's ear fungus)

  • 4 Tomatoes

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 bag of bamboo (optional)
  • 1/3 Pointed Cabbage


  • 6Tsp Cornstarch

  • 2 cans chicken broth (optional)
  • 2 Spoon of Sesame oil

  • Some Black Peppers
  • Some White Peppers

  • 5 1/2 Spoon of Black Vinegar

  • 3 Spoon of Rice Vinegar

  • 3 1/2 Spoon of Soy Sauce
  • 1/2 Spoon of Chili Oil
  • 6 Tsp of Sugar
  • 1 Tsp of Salt
  • 1 Tsp of Hondashi


  1. Chop the pork into slices
  2. Cut the Tofu, bamboo and Fungus into stripes
  3. Cut the tomatoes and Cabbage into pieces
  4. Shred the carrot
  5. Add some water along with the Corn Starch (6Tsp) and blend together
  6. Beat the eggs in a bowl


  1. Boil 6 cups of waters (or with 2 cans of chicken broth and 4 cups)
  2. Put in Veggies (Cabbage, Tomatoes, and bamboo) in the boiling water
  3. Put the Fungus in
  4. Wait till it boils again and then put in the tofu
  5. Wait till it boils again, turn the stove to middle
  6. Put the sauce in gradually (Soy Sauce, Black Vinegar, Rice Vinegar, Sesame Oil and Chili Oil)
  7. Put the pork slices in
  8. Add the Salt, Sugar and Hondashi
  9. Blend the soup and gradually pour the bowl of corn starch with water (blend it first)
  10. Blend the soup and gradually pour the beaten eggs, the slower the better
  11. Add some black pepper and white pepper
  12. Add other flavors as needed.

the spoon used


News Update


  • 9/17, 5D MkII 發表

From dpreview.com

在二年一度的攝影盛事Photokina之前,大家引領期盼許久的5D MkII終於現身了,帶著超高iso 25600(對Nikon D3來說已不是新聞),21MP的超高解析度與D90的錄影功能,造成攝影界不少的討論與衝擊……其實5D 已經是大家口中畫質(IQ)第一 的相機了,所少的不過就是目前DSLR必有的Live View和除塵功能,其實大家所期待的也沒太多,雖然有點肖想Sony、Pentax、Olympus的CCD防手振功能,但是這本是一個夢,實現的可能性是有,但是不會是現在,因為C家和N家還想再賣他們的防手振鏡頭。沒事多了一個HD錄影功能,算是一個新玩意兒,了不起不用,不會增加太多的問題,不過是在討論版多了些正反的討論而已。$2699的定價,雖然貴,還不至於到天價,真是讓人流口水啊……

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from DVDplay.com

市場上佔有率最大的DVD租賃機--RedBox(號稱超過10,000個點)一直都是以一片$1的方式在經營,而離我家最近的Redbox,可能得開車到最近的McDonlad's才找得到。所以我們一直是號稱佔有率第二名的DVDPlay的客戶,但是DVDPlay的缺點就是,他居然要$1.5一片。兩家的新片其實大同小異(總是有些片不能在另一家找到),但是一般我們想看的新片都可以租得到(我們的口味比價大眾化),雖然一天內得還,但是還是遠比Blockbuster便宜,也不像Netflix得付月租費,租得愈多愈划算。無論如何,減價總是好事^_^,之前專門出promote Codes的對應網站insidedvdplay更新變慢,害我們已為dvdplay已經撐不下去,這次大降價(應該說是順應市場),不知道能不能作得久一點…

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