
Sour-Spicy Soup Recipe


  • 0.3lb Pork (shoulder or butts)

  • 1 Carrot

  • 1 box soft or regular(Medium Firm) Tofu

  • ~10 Auricularia auricula (Judas's ear fungus)

  • 4 Tomatoes

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 bag of bamboo (optional)
  • 1/3 Pointed Cabbage


  • 6Tsp Cornstarch

  • 2 cans chicken broth (optional)
  • 2 Spoon of Sesame oil

  • Some Black Peppers
  • Some White Peppers

  • 5 1/2 Spoon of Black Vinegar

  • 3 Spoon of Rice Vinegar

  • 3 1/2 Spoon of Soy Sauce
  • 1/2 Spoon of Chili Oil
  • 6 Tsp of Sugar
  • 1 Tsp of Salt
  • 1 Tsp of Hondashi


  1. Chop the pork into slices
  2. Cut the Tofu, bamboo and Fungus into stripes
  3. Cut the tomatoes and Cabbage into pieces
  4. Shred the carrot
  5. Add some water along with the Corn Starch (6Tsp) and blend together
  6. Beat the eggs in a bowl


  1. Boil 6 cups of waters (or with 2 cans of chicken broth and 4 cups)
  2. Put in Veggies (Cabbage, Tomatoes, and bamboo) in the boiling water
  3. Put the Fungus in
  4. Wait till it boils again and then put in the tofu
  5. Wait till it boils again, turn the stove to middle
  6. Put the sauce in gradually (Soy Sauce, Black Vinegar, Rice Vinegar, Sesame Oil and Chili Oil)
  7. Put the pork slices in
  8. Add the Salt, Sugar and Hondashi
  9. Blend the soup and gradually pour the bowl of corn starch with water (blend it first)
  10. Blend the soup and gradually pour the beaten eggs, the slower the better
  11. Add some black pepper and white pepper
  12. Add other flavors as needed.

the spoon used

3 則留言:

  1. 看起來好好吃喔! 原來不用康寶濃湯也可以做酸辣湯!

  2. 哇 太棒了~ 好清楚的食譜喔 正好我可以用 :) 連材料的照片都有 label 但是 ear fungus 真的很好笑 :D

  3. 我覺得這次的調味不是很成功,過一陣子再作一次,會再update……
